The history of the Watchtower, has become very embarrassing, so I predict that the Watchtower and Awake magazines will merge as one magazine, under another name.
The Rebel.
the more specific the better :) here are mine:.
i predict that within the next two to three years (2017-2018) we will start seeing negative numbers in growth.. i predict that within the next thirteen to fifteen years (2027-2030) the number of jws will be less than 4million.. and i predict that by the time the first person sets foot on mars there will already have been a major split in the organization with either one of the gb or a branch overseer starting a new religion..
The history of the Watchtower, has become very embarrassing, so I predict that the Watchtower and Awake magazines will merge as one magazine, under another name.
The Rebel.
for the kids:-.
so yesterday in accordance with my boys wish, we put the christmas tree and decorations up.
ridiculously early i know, but it made him happy, and even i found decorating the tree fun.. the rebel..
As a witness, when my kid was born I had a lot of time other fathers wouldn't have had with a new born baby. That was a great thing about being a witness, a lot of time was spent at home.
Now i have my boys Christmas wish list, and yea I can now buy him the computer, the headphones, the what ever on that list. But most importantly,having left the organisation i was wise enough or lucky enough to realise days in the park, or on swings, or in the swimming pool, ect ect ect...are the most important.....not the rut-race.
The Rebel
it is evident that the w.t has recently re-branded itself, and has become fairly modern in its marketing techniques.
so the organisation is in that respect forward thinking, and the former way of doing things has past.. .
but this rebranding has been done by marketing experts, who maybe realise progress is progress, and that with modernisation many bethelites " even as free volunteers" are possibly no longer required.
OrphanCrow, thank you for your observation which was " a NON-PROFiT business model does not look or behave as a non profit organisation"
Next you will be telling me nobody owns a non-profit organisation, and the W.T. is owned by Jehover. Gee thanks for that.
The Rebel.
it is evident that the w.t has recently re-branded itself, and has become fairly modern in its marketing techniques.
so the organisation is in that respect forward thinking, and the former way of doing things has past.. .
but this rebranding has been done by marketing experts, who maybe realise progress is progress, and that with modernisation many bethelites " even as free volunteers" are possibly no longer required.
Fin you make an interesting point about rebranding. Let me make a prophecy, in 10 years the Watchtoer will have another name, and therefore all the crap printed in the past will be hard to find.
This kind of rebranding requires getting rid of the old regime and bringing in the future.
The Rebel.
it is evident that the w.t has recently re-branded itself, and has become fairly modern in its marketing techniques.
so the organisation is in that respect forward thinking, and the former way of doing things has past.. .
but this rebranding has been done by marketing experts, who maybe realise progress is progress, and that with modernisation many bethelites " even as free volunteers" are possibly no longer required.
Leave!thePlayingField " The Org will not die out. Nor is it on its way to dying out....
The Rebel : first you have a great name " Leave!ThePlayingField". Second your correct, " the org will not die out" But my definition of " Religion" is " Money" and my definition of " money" is "property". So whilst I agree the organisation is not on the way out, it's selling of property is a reflection of its loosing control on its power to manipulate. So I agree the Org will never die, but its impact to control is waning, and this is symbolic in the collapse of its property empire.
The Rebel.
it is evident that the w.t has recently re-branded itself, and has become fairly modern in its marketing techniques.
so the organisation is in that respect forward thinking, and the former way of doing things has past.. .
but this rebranding has been done by marketing experts, who maybe realise progress is progress, and that with modernisation many bethelites " even as free volunteers" are possibly no longer required.
The Searcher, I won't give you egg in your face, but mud in your eye to you, that's a bloody good answer. The only way to explain selling prime property in London, is if you gambled the equity and lost.
I mean why build a property empire and sell the " London real estate" unless you gambled and lost the equity on that asset?
No self respecting business would ever sell real estate in London, unless they are daft, or desperate, because it's f,,king hard to buy again in the future, and twise as expensive.
The Rebel.
it is evident that the w.t has recently re-branded itself, and has become fairly modern in its marketing techniques.
so the organisation is in that respect forward thinking, and the former way of doing things has past.. .
but this rebranding has been done by marketing experts, who maybe realise progress is progress, and that with modernisation many bethelites " even as free volunteers" are possibly no longer required.
No I get the answers OrphanCrow and they make me feel like I could cry. What the Watchtower is doing is a sin, a crime and something I can't even attempt to put into words.
But I also know business is built on property. The W.T " had" that property empire, which they have relinquished . And that makes no sence to me.( Except money problems)
But why sell prime property in Mill Hill, worth hundreds of millions and worry about the cost of volunteer bethelites?
I can see the negotiations now, they sold the Bethel in Mill Hill and it was negotiated in how many £millions? W.T offer this, the buyers offer that and give or take a few £million everyone is happy.
So what I don't understand ( and I may be simple) but why do they not make the "volunteer" labour redundent when they move to new premises? Why make an issue of downsizing when it's a peanut figure if they can simply make them redundant in the near future?
OpenCrow, Please ball point how, the tax status effects my above comments, and requires such instant and immediate attention from the W.T? To my understanding new laws regarding tax, are never back dated but take effect at a future stipulated date from when the new legisstation came in to effect.
The Rebel.
it is evident that the w.t has recently re-branded itself, and has become fairly modern in its marketing techniques.
so the organisation is in that respect forward thinking, and the former way of doing things has past.. .
but this rebranding has been done by marketing experts, who maybe realise progress is progress, and that with modernisation many bethelites " even as free volunteers" are possibly no longer required.
I appreciate my thread seems to have gone of topic. To clarify I am not qualified in business, so please explain how the W.T:-
a) Laying of " volunteer" bethelites even comes remotely close to solving the apparent financial problems that the organisation has?
b) From a business perspective an organisation must realise the drastic consequence of making " volunteer" employees redundant ". I am therefore sure they also realise the sheep realise these bethelites have no pension, and neither have they paid social security contributions, ect ect.
Therefore surely they have considered this may result in many awakening and leaving, or at least no longer contributing financially?
I don't get it.
The Rebel.
it is evident that the w.t has recently re-branded itself, and has become fairly modern in its marketing techniques.
so the organisation is in that respect forward thinking, and the former way of doing things has past.. .
but this rebranding has been done by marketing experts, who maybe realise progress is progress, and that with modernisation many bethelites " even as free volunteers" are possibly no longer required.
done4good (A) " Something is very broken in the watchtower land. I would love to know what it is?"
The Rebel. ( A) Royal commissions, child abuse payouts, the Internet, over-lapping generations...I could go on all day,
Anyway I think the organisation realise the past way of doing things is over, that in lands of prosperity householders know longer believe the bible is the word of God.
So I would bring in an outside marketing company, and say " we are paying out large settlements in child abuse settlements, we have blood doctrine that could go the same way, and the Internet is showing us up for " The business lead organisation we are". Therefore how would you solve this and protect our, property, money and image?
And my unqualified advice would be, let's get the problems you will face in 5 years time out the way today, and start again.
The Rebel
it is evident that the w.t has recently re-branded itself, and has become fairly modern in its marketing techniques.
so the organisation is in that respect forward thinking, and the former way of doing things has past.. .
but this rebranding has been done by marketing experts, who maybe realise progress is progress, and that with modernisation many bethelites " even as free volunteers" are possibly no longer required.
For an organisation that is built on " reputation" letting go of bethelites does seem a public image disaster.
a) The message has to be this is a business decision.
b) And is letting go of " Volunteers" such a cost saving measure.
c) And the exercise in my opinion will effect contributions.
The Rebel.